How to Write in an Exam (1) - Reading the Question

 GCSE English Language exams expect you to demonstrate your writing skills.

But before you can write, you need to know what you are writing about, and this is where many students lose marks.

There are some simple techniques you can learn to ensure that even under the stress of an exam you will still read the question carefully.

I recommend reading each question at least twice and underlining the key words.  It's a technique that helps the mind focus on what is actually there, not what students THINK is there!

I have been teaching English and English literature for over 25 years and love to share the teaching I have developed as teacher and Head of English.    I have examined at both GCSE and A Level.  If you would like to know more about the English tuition I offer, then do visit my About page and you can contact me via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

My ebook, The Five Sentence Types Workbook, is now available to buy on Amazon for just £2.99, and you can read more about it here.


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