How to Study or Revise a Literature Text (1) - Overview

As an English tutor, I am often asked to help students improve their ability to study and write about literature text.

The first thing to do (after the student has read the text, of course!) is to get an overview of the text.

This means being able to stand back and see the wood for the trees.  How does it all fit together?  What's important at the beginning?  How do things develop?  How does it end?

There are some very practical exercises I use to help students quickly get an overview of texts they are studying either at GCSE or A Level.

If you read my posts about Lady Macbeth, you will see how I have approached exploring this character by focusing on three quotations: here (1), here (2) and here (3)

1.     If you would like to know more about my teaching approach which I have developed over 25 years as teacher and educational leader, you can book a free 30 minute consultation with me via the Contact Form,.  You can find out more about my experience on the About page.


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