Lady Macbeth in 3 Quotes (1)

 I love making Shakespeare accessible to students as an English tutor. The next group of posts will look at one of Shakespeare’s most famous characters in one of the most popular Shakespeare plays studied at GCSE – Lady Macbeth in the play Macbeth.

Getting an overview of a literature text is really important to develop confidence.  

This series is called Lady Macbeth in 3 Quotes, and the first quote comes from Act 1 Scene 5, around line 40:

“Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts

Unsex me here”

How would you comment on the language used in this quotation, what it reveals about the character Lady Macbeth and how understanding Shakespeare’s historical context helps us with both of these important tasks?

This is an example of my teaching approach which I have developed over 25 years: I aim to be accessible but I also stretch and challenge students to make excellent progress.  You can book a free 30 minute consultation with me via the Contact Form, which you can also visit here, and find out more about my experience on the About page.


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