Top Grades at GCSE English and English Literature

It's obviously a challenge to achieve the very highest grades at GCSE English Language and English Literature, but my experience as an English tutor and teacher has enabled me to create many engaging and effective ways to help students achieve top grades.

This new series of posts will explore the issue from several different angles.  

Today I want to stress two key factors in achieving the highest grades.

1. Reading

There is no substitute for reading high quality literature, and I have a number of texts I use with students that I know they will find challenging but also enjoyable and rewarding.  

Children are fascinated to learn new, intelligent vocabulary, even if they don't admit it, but some teenage books, though great for encouraging reading, don't make them encounter a really wide vocabulary.  

2. Practise Writing

I wanted to be a writer when I was at school, and one of my teachers gave me the best advice: just keep practising!  Like any skill, writing develops with deliberate practice that is constantly being refined and improved by sensitively challenging feedback.

I am a specialist at stretching able students to achieve high grades, and offer a free 30 minute online introductory session if you would like to know more.  Contact me via the Contact Form here.


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