How does imagery work? An English tutor’s guide to "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"...

 Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, and this is how one of the most famous sonnets in English literature starts:

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” 

What does a summer’s day make you think about?  

 Something pleasurable, and something beautiful perhaps?

 So if you had to write about the imagery of this line, you could do it like this:

 When Shakespeare says ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’, he wants us to imagine someone who is beautiful an desirable.”

Notice how I include the a quotation in quotation marks, and then I add my interpretation of the imagery.

There are so many easy-to-learn skills to reading and writing about English literature.  As an English literature tutor I love helping people to do better in their studies, and also, I hope, to help them actually enjoy English literature too!

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My ebook, The Five Sentence Types Workbook, is now available to buy on Amazon for just £2.99, and you can read more about it here.


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