How to Write in an Exam (2) - Planning

My last post How to Write Well in an Exam (1) was about the importance of some simple and easy-to-learn techniques to help you read each exam question carefully.  This post is about planning.  I teach and embed these skills in my English tutoring.

Examiners give high marks to well-structured writing.  So how will you make sure that your writing is well structured?

You can learn planning techniques you can learn to ensure that even under the stress of an exam you will still plan a well-structured piece of writing.

I have been teaching English and English literature for over 25 years and love to share the teaching I have developed as teacher and Head of English.    I have examined at both GCSE and A Level.  If you would like to know more about the English tuition I offer, then do visit my About page, and you can contact me via the contact form at the bottom of this page.


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