Desdemona in Act 1 of Othello (1) - imagery

As an English tutor, I work with KS3, GCSE and  A Level students.  This series of posts will be on the A Level Shakespeare text, Othello, focusing on the character of Desdemona in Act 1.

In the first scene of the play, Shakespeare uses imagery in Iago and Roderigo’s inflammatory comments to Desdemona’s father, Brabantio:

“an old back ram

Is tupping your white ewe” (lines 88-9)




“your daughter, and the Moor, are now making the beast with two backs” (lines 115-6)


How would you comment on Shakespeare’s use of imagery in these two quotations?

This is an example of my teaching approach which I have developed over 25 years as teacher, Head of English, headteacher and Associate of NACE (National Association of Able Children in Education). I aim to be accessible but I also stretch and challenge students to make excellent progress.  You can book a free 30 minute consultation with me via the Contact Form, and find out more about my teaching and tutoring experience on the About page.


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