How to Write in an Exam (3) – Paragraphing

 As an English tutor I am often asked how to help improve students’ writing.  My last two posts focused on Reading the Question and Planning, which are essential preliminaries to an excellent piece of exam writing.

The topic of this post is paragraphing, which is often neglected in school teaching.  It sounds obvious, but so often I see students produce writing with no, or haphazard paragraphing.

You can learn to structure a paragraph with a topic sentence followed by a range of different sentence types, and the examiner will be extremely impressed with your writing skills!

My ebook, The Five Sentence Types Workbook, is now available to buy on Amazon for just £2.99, and you can read more about it here.

If you would be interested in receiving English tutoring from me, do visit my About page or contact me via the contact form at the bottom of this page.


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