How to Study or Revise a Literature Text (2) - Characters

When I'm asked as an English tutor how to help students improve their grades in English literature, the first piece of advice I give is to develop an overview.  You can read about that in the first post in this series, here.

The next level of detail is to look closely at characters.  There are two previous series on this blog on characters: one on Lady Macbeth which starts here, and one on Desdemona, from Shakespeare's play Othello, which starts here.

Take a blank sheet of paper or blank document on screen for each character in the text you are studying and list what characters do, their character qualities and any key quotations you can (more to come on this in the next post).  You will start to feel more confident as you fill out your document in increasing detail.

If you would like to know more about my teaching approaches, which I have developed over 30 years as a teacher, tutor and educational leader, you can book a free 30 minute consultation with me via the Contact Form,.  You can find out more about my experience on the About page.


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