An Inspector Calls in Three Acts (2) – Act 2 - "a kind of wall between us"

 An Inspector Calls is one of the most commonly-studied post-1914 drama texts in the UK, and this series of posts is exploring some of the most important details.  As an English tutor, I offer guidance to students for KS3, GCSE and A Level English and English Literature.

In Act 2 of the play, Sheila says to Mrs Birling:

“You mustn’t try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl.  If you do, then the Inspector will just break it down.”

The metaphor of the wall represents the division between different social classes in Britain before the First World War.  When Priestley was writing for audiences to watch his play in 1945, he was highlighting the need to move beyond the harmful class divide between rich and poor to build a fairer society.

If you would like to know more about my teaching approaches, which I have developed over 30 years as a teacher, tutor and educational leader, you can book a free 30 minute consultation with me via the Contact Form.  You can find out more about my experience on the About page.

You can also order my new ebook - The Five Sentence Types Workbook - on Amazon, as a structured and fun way to help your child develop the confidence and complexity of their writing.


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